When organisations decide to spend their training budgets on development programs for emerging staff, they are making a strong cultural statement of support to their existing workforce. It means "if I stay here, I will be developed as a person, as a worker, as a leader. It is good for my career to stay with this business". As I am being supported and developed, I will be able to handle a bigger role and get the support I need.

Theme 1 - Preparing my emerging leaders for higher roles

We know that delivery of evidence-based, practical training and development pays off with demonstrated EOI. The immediate benefit is the development of the participants in the key areas of:

1. Wellbeing
2. Self-management
3. Executive presence
4. Strategy execution*

Talented staff value working in an organisation that develops their capabilities and provides opportunities to progress.

Theme 2 - Helping new leaders handle new roles

The fact is that some clients commence their work with us after they have assumed their new role. In fact, organisations often make contact with us when unforeseen issues arise for the new Executive, General Manager or Team Leader.

Recognising the need for the support and making the decision to provide qualified and professional external support can be a very effective way to support the learning and onboarding of the new leader.

This second type of referral demands that the coach meet the executive (and the organisation) "where it is at" and leads to quick wins as the executive gains the support of an experienced and supportive advisor. While the support is provided by us, it supports the organisation's value proposition by providing valuable skill development to the individual and signals that they are valued.