We use evidence-based coaching practices in a step-by-step method for assisting clients to achieve their professional goals via three distinct stages:
Stage 1: Establishing the current scenario
In our initial coaching conversation we work with the individual to understand their story and current situation. By getting our clients to tell their story, it helps them identify what the actual problem is and where they want to go.
During the initial stage we work with the client to identify blind spots and break through these. Blind spots will often prevent individuals from being able to identify their problem and can prevent them from seeing potential opportunities.
Before moving onto the next stage we look at how we can leverage and prioritise potential opportunities that will make a difference to that individual.
Stage 2: The preferred scenario
To develop the preferred scenario we start with asking our clients “what are the possibilities?” We then focus on developing an agreed list of realistic, challenging goals that are in line with the goals of the organisation. (for example “To increase my understanding of constructive leadership”, or “To gain greater awareness, self-confidence and resilience in my role as leader”). This helps them establish their ‘change agenda’.
At this stage of the process we work with individuals to find the incentives and real commitment that will help them persist in achieving their preferred scenario.
Stage 3: Action strategies
We then work with our clients to determine what are the possible actions and how will they obtain what they need or want. At this stage there are many possible ways of achieving their goals and often hasty and disorganised action is self-defeating. We work with our clients to select the best-fit strategies that will suit their talents, resources, style, temperament and timeframe. This then leads to the development of a roadmap (plan) to achieve their goals.
Our experienced coaches use this coaching model in a flexible way that encourages maximum engagement of the candidates, avoiding excessive control by the coach. Rather, the candidate is assisted to develop new capabilities and skills and to become more self-managing.