Yes, there is a clear curriculum that covers FOUNDATION skill-sets that are common to all managers and leaders.  That said, effective coaching programs tackle organisational challenges as soon as possible.  By focussing on the real and pressing issues, the organisation derives quick wins and in some cases this includes clearly identified and rapid capability improvements.  The coach prioritises curriculum items that are most relevent to the current challenges faced by the coachee and brings forward the right knowledge, methods and techniques in a just-in-time approach whilst ensuring that major milestones are attained.

Wellbeing - Our Foundation program assists with Health, Social Support, Work stress.  Client-centred, we are able to get the right balance between wellbeing and building on a healthy framework as we move to the develpoment of more effective high performance strategies.

Self-Management - Ths is the HIGH PERFORMANCE domain.  Expert assessment and development of confidence-building techniques that lay the groundwork for long-term success in workplace relationsips.  

Executive Presence - By supporting the core foundations, and effectively transferring evidence-based knowledge and techniques, participants bring enhanced confidence and surety to their interactions with managers, peers and co-workers.  This is a measurable and leverages the relationship between coach, participant and the organisation.  Career decisions and career alignment becomes clear.

Strategy Execution - The investment in bulding Foundations pays off with expert advice and support working in the background to support High Perfomance of core accountabilities and performance.  

 The Curriculum Roadmap is described below as part of the Aspire Global Leadership Capabilty Framework:

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Good quality behavioual preference (personality) assessments are extremely useful in guiding development.  These are superior to many reports typically used during team-building activities and provide a deep, evidence-based and defensible starting point to executive development.  A thorough executive assessment package gives the added ability to tackle deeper issues and is highly valued by executives in senior programs.  A typical assessment involves behavioural preference, values, motivations and is backed by professional feedback and a validation process. This process is conducted within the first month of coaching and referred to in future sessions as issues arise.  Some organisations have selected their own assessments and these can be integrated where they are of the correct quality.